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quaternary age造句

  • The region is composed of rocks of Proterozoic to Quaternary age.
  • Volcanic rocks of Quaternary age are widespread in the area.
  • Jack Souther added several hundred Quaternary aged volcanoes on Canadian maps throughout his career.
  • These plains were developed from sand filling in the shoreline during the late Quaternary age.
  • It contains Neogene to Quaternary aged material.
  • The field is presumed of Quaternary age, though it has produced no historic eruptions.
  • In the UK the term'drift'is commonly used to describe any deposits of Quaternary age.
  • The Laguna Blanca Formation is a dacitic tuff formation of late Quaternary age that covers large parts of the Puna.
  • The surrounding lower ground is formed from Carboniferous Limestone though much of it is obscured by superficial deposist of Quaternary age.
  • Spatter cones and volcanoes of Quaternary age are in the Ashikule area, for a total amount of over 70 cones.
  • It's difficult to see quaternary age in a sentence. 用quaternary age造句挺难的
  • Lake Ballivi醤 is of late Quaternary age, it may have formed between 600, 000-500, 000 years ago.
  • A major part of the district is covered with the fluvial, fuvio-marine, Aeolian and marine sediments of Quaternary age.
  • The Quaternary age Gas Rocks dacite domes some three km to the northeast were the site of a phreatic eruption some 2300 years ago.
  • The site owes its existence to its geology, which comprises Quaternary age deposits of sand and gravel, formed during the last Ice Age.
  • The arc consists of a series of Quaternary age stratovolcanoes that grew on top of pre-existing geologic materials that ranged from Miocene volcanics to glacial ice.
  • The uppermost strata of the Wapiti have been removed by erosion in the area, and most of the bedrock is covered by glacial and post-glacial sediments of Quaternary age.
  • "' Mount Patah "'(, means : " Broken Mountain " ) is a heavily forested quaternary age volcano southeast of Mount Dempo on Sumatra island, Indonesia.
  • The "'geology of Essex "'in southeast England largely consists of Cenozoic marine sediments from the Palaeogene and Neogene periods overlain by a suite of superficial deposits of Quaternary age.
  • The underlying geology is predominantly alluvium of Quaternary age with areas of older rock made up of sandstone of Middle Jurassic age in the Bathurst Range and the granite of Late Silurian age in the Great Dividing Range of the upper catchment.
  • The soil formations recorded in the reserve in the sequence of from south to north are; the ancient dunes of the Quaternary age consisting of soil and clay; sand dunes running longitudinally; the newly deposited layers of sand dunes; a mixture of old and new dunes in the north; formations of clayey sandstone as bedrock; and the sandy alluvium of the Quaternary age in the dry valley of Dillia.
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